Category: Uncategorized

No, really, it is!

After finishing the Christmas knitting (hooray! But sadly still having all the sewing and finishing) I decided to whip up some of the cute Rose Pins! It’s a free online pattern by Sarah Kim Tenbuecken and it takes barely any time to knit and assemble.

I doubt Felix will entertain them but they were still fun to make. Maybe her much girlier ‘best friend’ (Felix has bestowed this title on her, it’s so cute!) will like them…

Anyhow, so Christmas knitting is done, just assembly, and then it’s a few additional bits and bobs which I can post up here as and when made without spoiling it for anyone.

Had a bit of an accident at work, nothing major, but I am working from home for a little bit, and it’s amazing how much more I get done when I can knit whilst reading through various articles, papers or reports. Shame I can’t knit and type up manuals and my own reports though…

Oh, and for those who asked last post, I have unfortunately not been able to photograph Frankenstein’s shapely derriere (as mentioned last post) as A Felix has been dragging it around everywhere and I can’t wrestle it off her when she’s sleeping either…next post I shall try! And make him trousers too. Haven’t managed that either.

Starting total – 697

Wool used – 109 (3 since the last post!)
Wool bought – 53
Wool given – 7

Total – 658


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As mentioned last post, working on Christmas knits so nothing to show right now! Well, I do have this recent creation:


Not knitting, but still craft related. There’s a group in the village over that teach people all kinds of craft – knitting, crochet, sewing, card making, felting, all sorts! So I’ve been getting to grips with a sewing machine. I’ve always been able to thread one (mum uses a machine, but her eyes are not so good so that was a job she had me and Rabbie do) and I can do a straight line and that’s about it.

Now though, I turned one of Engels old super baggy but still too awesome to just throw away t-shirts into a cushion cover! This is the practice one, there’s more awesome ones to do.

Want to see knitting though? Here’s a pair of pen-tacle cuties from the archives:

Who says stationary has to be boring? The red one is a classic squid/octopus inspired creation, and the second…blame Engel. He was playing Day of the tentacle… Or something?

Lastly, the wool count. Yeah…well, you see…I worked out what I was going to knit for the Christmas presents, but came up three balls of wool short (yes, I came up short despite owning 600+ balls of wool!) So in Tuesday popped to the wool shop near work (Black Sheep – it’s amazing!) and managed to walk out with just the three I needed (even more amazing). Yesterday though, I got home to find Engel had picked me up three balls more wool and a bag of tablet as I was feeling a little blue.

Considering I hadn’t actually told him this, and had only just begun to feel blue, well, that’s probably the most amazing thing of all.

Or it’s the brood telepathy.

Does however mean that instead of being good and using two balls of wool, I added six, so net gain of four balls of wool. Oops…

Starting total – 697

Wool used – 97
Wool bought – 13
Wool given – 7

Total – 620

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I think that’s an apt name for this:

It’s based on the Free Ravelry Downloadable Pattern Vortex Shawl by Kristina McCurley and made with the yummy wool I blogged about last post.

The name comes from the current computer game Engel is playing ‘No Man’s Sky’ where you got from planet to planet, discovering, cataloguing and mining for resources as far as I can tell…to a relaxing soundtrack…great for switching off in the evening, and what I’ve been watching as I worked in my shawl…

Not the most attractive photo if it, but the best colour match to real life, and it gives you an idea of the shape too. The merino/yak was lovely to knit with, and loved by certain four legged critters…

Salem wasn’t caught in the act of stealing it, three seconds after I put it on the floor to photograph…of course not…

I also wore it yesterday at a wedding banquet, where I shamefully had to call it quits after the fifth of eight courses…seeing as it started with an entire roast suckling pig between eight of us, I don’t think I did too bad. Oh, and for those curious, the heads in the fridge, I couldn’t let such a yummy treat go to waste!

Not much else to say really, life’s been ticking along, I had some family visit, been spending a fair bit if time with Felix, working on her crafty skills – pom pom caterpillars today! And pom pom monsters. She wanted to make a pom pom Cthuhlu, but decided the tentacles would be too difficult to make from pom poms alone…

So cute!

Wool count:

Starting total – 697

Wool used – 92
Wool bought – 10
Wool given – 4

Total – 619

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Cthuhlu phtang!

This time last year I posted about how awesome my friends are. How they all donned on cat ears and played Cathuhlu all just for my birthday.

They out did themselves this year, and I have to say, my friends are more than awesome, they’re amazing!

I mean seriously, look at this cake!



It’s the Necronomicon, as a cake!

It’s not the first amazing cake that particular friend of mine has made for my birthday, two years ago, it was this tentacular beauty!

Tentacle Cake 2~2

In case you haven’t all guessed, I’m obsessed with Cthuhlu. I’ve read all of H. P. Lovecrafts mythos stories, own numerous RPGs (Call of Cathuhlu, Delta Green, The Laundry, as well as numerous source books) I even created my own knitted Cthuhlu pattern!

It also happens to be my literally just now finished project:

Cthuhlu mittens!

This is based on the free Ravelry download Cthulhu Mittens by Lyle Stafford. I changed mine so that I can, let’s say, rather than pet Crumble with mittens:

I could…

Scritch her with my fingers instead!

I sense more mittens in my future as I had a lot of fun with these, but there are other projects to be done first…so many projects, so little time…

In other news, I went to the pop up knitting show in Port Sunlight (as it was pouring with rain, good ol’ British weather!) And accidentally bought myself a very nice little ball of wool that was positively singing to be a shawl. So that is what it shall be.

And that is what will be in my needles next!

Starting total – 697

Wool used – 91
Wool bought – 10
Wool given – 4

Total – 620

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Hi all,

Apologies for not posting last week – been having a number of security issues. Some of you may remember that I had to take down my site a few years ago, strip it and start again because some moron with too much time hacked into it.

Since then, I’ve learned. As such, I’ve had no issues until the last fortnight where I’ve been getting multiple failed attempts of people trying to log in, judging by the times, it’s an automatic system but still, it’s irritating.

Why anyone wants to hack a knitting blog of very low notoriety I don’t know, but there you have it.

So rather than blogging, I’ve been beefing up my security, again, as I do not want to start this site over again.

Now that my rant is done, cute turtle time!

It’s based on a free online pattern called ‘Duuuude, the sea turtle‘ by Cheezombie. Only changes are the front flippers and the eyes. It’s super cute and works up fast – I actually have an army of them forming! I think there’s 14 last count, but I lost track after the fifth one.

There’s been so many turtles I’ve used up five balls of wool! OK, they were all partial balls, between 15-30g but I just started on a full 100g one so let’s see how many turtles i get out of a full ball!

Unless I get bored. in which case I have an alarmingly long list of things I fancy making!

Till next post.

Starting total – 697

Wool used – 84 (5 since last post)
Wool bought – 9
Wool given – 4

Total – 626

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Or perhaps the road map playmat of Sods Law. Super cute blanket, but I had a bit of a nightmare making it!

Let me tell you my tale of woe…

I was stash busting, as you know, my current goal being to get that number at the bottom of each post down to skmething bordering reasonable, but Sods Law, I ran out of wool.


I needed more but, Sods Law, couldn’t get the same colour…So I then had to use two shades and tweak which squares had which one.


This happened not once, but twice. The green and yellow.

Double grr.

After what felt like knitting all the squares I needed twice over, I ran out of green again! Seriously?!


So I changed the road layout to accommodate.


Finally, I had knit all the squares, and started to sew it up, when Dashie, one of the cats, ran in, stole a square and hid it.

Photographic evidence of Dashie ‘helping’. Sigh.

Upon retrieving the stolen square from where the cat hid it (under the sofa) I found several more complete knitted squares.

I had 39 squares, not the 35 the pattern required.


Turns out I did have enough of the second green not to have tweaked the pattern… But was a bit late to do anything by then!

I’m taking this as a sign from the great elder God Cthuhlu to rethink my blanket making strategies…

Wool countdown!

Starting total – 697 balls
Wool used – 17 (Despite the shenanigans, none where used up this week!)
Wool bought – 9

Total – 689

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A commission from work, made loosely following the ‘dinosaur toy’ pattern from ‘nursery knits for boys’ by sirdar. He’s turned into a cutie I must admit, but I could only work on this whenever Felix wasn’t around/paying attention in case she demanded it for herself!

Slow week knitting wise really as there’s been a bit of a cold virus going through the house, and with work and everything else…yeah…tired.

In other news I’ve not been made redundant, but seeing as nearly two thirds of my department will be leaving sooni’m wondering if  that’s a good thing or not…time will tell I guess.

No wool count this week as I’ve not used up any wool, a good bit of each of the dinosaur colours has been used, but not a whole ball!


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Several years ago, before Felix, I made myself a crocodile scarf (the pattern was from an old let’s knit magazine) and after wearing it that winter, it got shoved into the box of spare scarves and gloves and forgotten.

One day, looking for anything that Felix might agree to wear that was warm, she spotted the crocodile scarf and has since worn it like a shawl around herself.

It was adorable, and warm, and I never thought more about it.

The other day she got a toy cat that came with a lilac sparkly scarf with fluffy white trim. After one look at it, and a testing cuddle, she demanded the offending purple fluffy thing be removed and replaced with its own crocodile scarf.

I was about to tell her not to be silly when Engel replied ‘of course mummy will make Whiskers (the toy cat) one!’

Out came the pattern and one was made in miniature. And I have to admit, the photo bombed pictures of Felix hugging that cat wearing its scarf and squealing ‘thank you mummy! Love you!’ does make it worthwhile…but they’re for my private collection, so you’ll have to make do with the cat by itself.

He is cute with it on…

Besides this scarf, I made Engel another pair of armwarmers. Same pattern, same wool, same colours. Boring!

Quiet week otherwise. Well, a slow one. Redundancies have been announced at work so I’m playing the waiting game to see if I’ll be staying or going.

I’ve begun to stress knit…wool tension is through the roof though…

Wool Count down:
Starting total – 697 balls
Wool used – 10 (1 this week)

Total – 687


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New wool count!

Wool Count down:
Starting total – 697 balls
Wool used – 0

Total – 697

I managed to use 120 balls last year, let’s see if I can make as good a dent on the stash this year!

On that note, I made Engel a little present:

Made using the free pattern ‘Short Wave Mitts‘ by Sybil R. I don’t tend to go on about patterns themselves on my blog, but I have to say, the use of short rows on this, and several other patterns, is amazing!

More amazing? Felix asked to pick a few patterns for play food for her play kitchen! Being two I have questioned a few choices, but hey, I’m not one to judge her adorable requests!

Olives! I used the free pattern ‘Olive Tutorial‘ by Mary Jane Midge.

Fried eggs! Using the free Ravelry pattern ‘Happy Fried Egg’ by Ala Ela

I hope you all had a good 2015 and a better 2016!

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Baby Yoda hat! A request from work, based loosely on the free pattern ‘Baby Yoda Knit Hat’ by Shinah Chang

A pineapple hat – another request – free pattern by Chile Con Yarne – as well as a plain black one using the same pattern (but no leaves) as a leaving gift for my boss at work. Sadly forgot to take a photo before gifting, oh well…

And last hat, again a request from work, free Ravelry pattern ‘Alpaca Earflaps‘ by OzYarn.

Lots of hats lately!

On a different note, the last photo, some may spy some Shadowrun books – I’m preparing the traditional news year eve game, though this year we’re mixing it up with a new system and world – so we’re going from Call of Cthulhu where you will die, or go insane, to Shadowrun, where the players are probably going to die, or drive me insane. Not that they don’t do that anyway.

My brain is still trying to work out exactly how they managed to skip an entire book (I’m talking 50 odd pages of adventure here) from the Horror on the Orient Express Campaign, and then the final book covering the end scenarios was just tossed to the side… (I won’t go into details, gaming is very much a ‘you had to be there’ type thing in my opinion.)

It’ll be interesting trying out a new system though, we’ll be playing 3rd edition Shadowrun as that’s what Engel and myself own a lot of. Well, I own a rule book. He owns four rule books, one start up guide and about thirty odd companion/expansion books and a 6 page character sheet…and I think there’s a few adventures in there too, but I probably won’t use those – no point really as my gaming group have the habit of, when presented with three options, taking the twelfth.


Wool count. Five used this week – woot!

Wool Count down:
Starting total – 747 balls
Extra stash found – 20 balls (so far)
Wool used – 120
Wool given – 3
Wool bought – 45

Total – 697

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