A Fangtastic prop

Let us begin at the beginning. Like a lot of people, when I mention I like anime I always get asked what my first anime was. Then my first Ghibli movie (Princess Mononoke for those curious, and its still my favourite).

So as a vampire loving, alternative nerd of a teenager, I of corpse ended up watching Hellsing (the original anime, not the remake!) as my first anime. The perfect blend of horror, humour, plot somewhere in there, and heaps and heaps of sass.

So when my nephew announced that he was going to an anime con just after his birthday with Rabbie and her husband, and that they were doing a group cosplay and he was going to be Arucard…

Jealousy aside, the bite side of this was that I had a perfect opportunity to get involved and tie in his birthday present.

This particular project took quite a while to make, or perhaps, was a project I had to sink my teeth into.

Engel did the 3D printing, assembly, then sanding, filling, sanding, filling and final sanding, before I got them for painting. And what was this fangtastic gift for my nephew?

Why, Arucards iconic guns of course!

A big fangs to Rabbie who took this amazing photo of the finished result with the coat that she and my nephew helped make and also the gloves Rabbis carefully painted/drew.

Did I mention I was jealous?

In other news, Felix has now attended the weekly Viking meetings two weeks in a row and I think I have a proper little Viking! She’s been great company in the car, and incredibly well behaved at the meetings – she’s also made fast friends with some of the other kids. So much so, or perhaps, sew much sew, she made a pair of bow socks for two of them as part of her first sewing machine lesson.

She has taken to the machine better than I did upon first, second, third…umpteenth try, and I would like to think that’s because I gently coaxed her through the process, but its more to do with the fact she picks things up like a sponge.

I suspect she’ll be making a lot more for herself in the future, perhaps I should hide the good fabric…

Right. That’s all this week as I have a busy weekend planned and have a bunch of things to sort, prep and make before hand. Talk about Comic Crunch? I have Saxon Squeeze… Viking Viscera sounded a bit too violent…

Also, aren’t you all Vlad there aren’t too many vampire puns I could easily slide into this post?

Until the next one, get the garlic and holy water and stay safe!

Wool Count

Starting total – 841

Wool used – 66 (Used 1)
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 22
Wool given to me – 31 (Gifted 1 from Engel as a pick me up)
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 11

Total – 852 (Net difference: +11 – this literally hasn’t changed!)

4 comments on “A Fangtastic prop
  1. Timbercat says:

    Seems like a lot was at stake to get these ready in time!

    The gloves almost reminds me of Roy Mustang’s from Full Metal Alchemist…

  2. Rabbie says:

    The jackals were the absolute highlight of his birthday! Thank you for helping make his first con experience the best it could be!

    • Roxy says:

      I think you get far more credit for making his first con amazing, but I am very happy to hear they went down so well!

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