A claw-some de-fright!

I don’t want to dragon too long for this post, but well…

Welcome to the Pungeon!

As you all know, I run Cthulhu, but if I did run DnD it would devolve quickly to Dungeon Disasters. My friend though does run Pathfinder, when the group find the path to get to his all at the same time. (Gamers, like herding cats.)

Last session, we started a discussion (good thing there’s no Bard in the party, or else it would have been a percussion) about the height of Reyth, my kobold barbarian character – when prompted, Reyths answer is ‘exactly three feet tall, rounded up’, and is actually under two and a half foot. Which is better then being six foot under like the necromancer is so fond of…

The talk of tiny kobolds (better than mini-taurs) lit a fire under my friend as he started to tell me about his favourite character, a red kobold in red samurai armour named Skiradren.

The kobold body is based on Bag of Troodons by Tina Barrett from her book ‘Knitted Dinosaurs’. Armour was knitted on the fly, or winged, as I went along.

It was pretty claw-some having the chance to do a side by side comparison too of Reyth and Skiradren. Want to know what was even more claw-some though?

Both kobold outfits are entirely removeable, and I think Reyth looks fang-tastic in the samurai armour.

In other news, my car was rear ended the other week, and dealing with everything that comes with that, on top of everything else, has put me in a dire mood, which is probably equally as bad as a dire wolf to the players… I’m fine, everyone’s fine, the car is yet to be looked at and judged for its crimes of stopping at a give way line, but it is only a car.

My poor Battletank…

Anyway, because of that, I’m gonna keep this post more a short sword than a broad sword in length, thus, I wish you a safe adventure, and may your travels bring you back here safely later.

…I deserve to be punished and put in a punitentiary for this post…

Wool Count

Starting total – 841

Wool used – 68
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 22
Wool given to me – 31
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 11

Total – 850 (Net difference: +9)

Wool count disclaimer: Due to the dire mood I haven’t kept track of the balls of wool I have used since the last blog post. I have also been given wool for a commission. So, for my sanity, I am just going to ignore the ins and outs these last few weeks and will continue the count as it stands last post.

When it comes to the big end of year count/sort/shuffle, I’ll be able to get a true count. But life is far too short to worry about that now.

2 comments on “A claw-some de-fright!
  1. Rabbie says:

    The samurai kobold came out amazing!

    And do stop and take a moment for yourself, you’ve had a lot going on, but know we’re all here for you

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