Pining for the Fjords…

Its with some re-leaf to say that things are beginning to be oak-y. And I’m happy with oak-y. oak-y is a lovely breath of fresh air compared to the mountains and chasms the past bit has felt like.

Update schedule may or may not get patchy – if I have something to share, I’ll share, and I’ll continue branching out with the non knitting creations too.

This week though, is a knitting project. A finished one. And with just over tree months to spare!

All 100 trees have been decorated, have their tree trunks knit and are all sewn together. Thank you for all who were rooting for these!

And yes, it is a bit of a copse out, but I had been putting off the sewing of these for a month.

I’ve tree-ly enjoyed the kids being able to help out so much with these as well. Felix may have done more decoration sewing than Inkling, but he diligently cut out 100 sets of ‘tinsel’ and picked which trees got which kind. I wonder what I’ll have chosen for next year and how much more they can help with that!

Actually, Felix may not want them next year as she will be in Big School come next Christmas…

Nope! I’m going back to being a mushroom on that thought! I don’t want to get all sappy now.

Moving on…

The Viking show season has wrapped up for the year, and I have passed a grand total of five tests, which I have been told is very impressive. Going to try for two more and a second kit by the end of next year and get my next level in the society!

I passed basic combat on Thursday where I ended up being hit with axes, swords, spears, two hand spears, a Dane Axe, javelins and arrows. They’re all blunt and the blows are mostly pulled but I was run to the point I was ready to drop… And I miraculously passed despite flinching at the Dane Axe coming down on me! (I shoved my shield in the way and side stepped frantically, so it was classed as a parry.)

And on that note, this rather sleepy Viking is going to leaf it at that and until next time, stay safe!

Wool Count

Starting total – 841

Wool used – 72 (1 used)
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 22
Wool given to me – 31
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 11

Total – 848 (Net difference: +5)

4 comments on “Pining for the Fjords…
  1. Timbercat says:

    That’s a tree-mendous effort you’ve put in there, you’ve managed it at a fir-ly impressive pace this year!

  2. Rabbie says:

    That’s a staggering on taking! Very impressed and it’s so sweet that the kids joined in too.

    Although Felix will be in secondary next year?! How…?!

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