Enjoy every meow-ment

A good few weeks ago, Felix and I went to Abakan’s. It was a paws-itively fun day, with the main reason to go get fabric fur a few projects, but…you cant go and not look at the wool.

Thats just hiss-terical thinking.

Felix fell in love with some fabric, the aurora borealis above a forest, (which the a-meow-sing Rabbie turned into a housecoat fur her) and then she spotted some wool in the sale section.

Felix is, sadly, no longer a little child. She has grown and grown and grown this past year, and matured at an outstanding rate. Although we are getting the early signs of the terrible teens cropping up…although at 11 she does fall into tweenager territory… Because of all this, I have been encouraging her to branch out and start picking the clothing she likes, wear the colours and patterns so that she’s feline happy.

All that to say, she spotted some wool and fell in love with the colours. She bought the wool, with her own money, then handed me it with a smile and proceeded to go ‘Mummy…’

Remember the cats cowl, hat and arm warmers I knit a while ago? Well, she has frequently stolen the arm warmers and hat but left the cowl which is oversized on me as its ‘just too big’…

Meow Felix has one that fits her just right. And with the remaining wool, I made some cute stripy arm warmers so I can at least get mine back… I may try and colour match these and make another hat so I can rescue mine as well…

She thinks they’re paw-some, and is very much the cat that got the cream.

I do hope that as she grows older, she’ll still want my hand knitted things. But rather than worrying about that, I’m choosing to enjoy the meow-ments right meow.

Until next time, stay safe!

Wool Count

Starting total – 841

Wool used – 87 (6 used)
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 27
Wool given to me – 37 (+1 from the MIL)
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 15 (+4, the urge to sit and spin took over!)

Total – 849 (Net difference: +8)

2 comments on “Enjoy every meow-ment
  1. Rabbie says:

    Absolutely beautiful! And I hope Felix continues to embrace such fun colours for a long time yet!

  2. Roxy says:

    So do I!

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