No Holds Car-red

A little while ago I posted on the family chat that I was planning on knitting everyone a little something for christmas, did anyone have any requests? I got all the usual requests, more or less, but then my niece asked me for something quite specific…

She has learned to drive, and has her own car, but wanted seat belt cosies like I have in my car to stop the belt rubbing into your collarbone etc. I was auto-ley delighted by this request, even more so when the scope was ‘you have free reign, just pick something that will match the car’.

Immediately, it was a drive of activity.

I’ve been on a bit of a rainbow kick since the thneed for Rabbie, and I just couldn’t resist seeing if I could create my own pastel rainbow blend. What do you think?

And dont fret my gears, the buttons car all mismatched on purpose. Namely because I didn’t have 25 of any one kind that fitted in the button stash. Yes, there is a button stash. And a wool one. And a fabric one. And a fleece one…

Give me a brake, this is my main hobby!

Moving swiftly on…

In other news, I did a prehistoric textile course with Sally Pointer, Felix came as well as she is a big fan and it was an amazing day. We learned two and three ply cordage, netting, carved needles out of antler and even got to have a go at sprang!

Sprang is a kind of braided weaving that only has the warp, no weft. It also worked both the bottom and top of the piece as you manipulate the threads. Absolutely mind boggling but also very fun!

When I clear my schedule I’m going to give it a proper play.

Speaking of, it’s that time of year where everything has gone mad. Presents to wrap, projects to work on for all the family, house to clean (boo) and also time to give the place a proper sort out.

I’ve also been voluntold to run a Christmas themed cthulhu one shot at my works board game club. (Running a single Christmas RPG seems to be tradition now). Couldn’t find any that was right so…well…I’m reading the classic Christmas Carol, making notes, cross referencing with the Muppets Christmas Carol (because it’s the best version) and my tome of cthulhu mythos beasts, monsters and elder gods…

The players are going to have a slaying time with this one.

Till next post, stay safe!

Wool Count

Starting total – 841

Wool used – 91 (4 used)
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 27
Wool given to me – 37
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 15

Total – 845 (Net difference: +4)

6 comments on “No Holds Car-red
  1. Timbercat says:

    I absolutely cannot wait for Muppets Christmas Cthulhu!

    I’ll just have to resist singing “it’s Marley and Marley!”

  2. Timbercat says:


    It’s Marley and Marley!


  3. Rabbie says:

    Our niece is gonna absolutely love those seat belt cosies! They’re amazing.

    Oh to be a meeces full of cheeses on the wall at that cthullu campaign. It sounds fantastic!

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