Cheeses for the Meeses

Another year, and un-brie-lievably, another cheese day! After the food induced comas from the past two years, I decided to make the grate decision to instead provide the (non alcoholic, this is at work after all) drinks.

And well, what feta to go with drinks, than bottle toppers?

Answer: Mice on cheese bottle toppers!

This is a free pattern, but not on Ravelry. It can brie found at: This link here!

I was as cheesed as punch with how well these went down, with people claiming dibs on their favourites brie-fore the event even brie-gan!

Using my cheddar judgment, that’s the only photo I’ll brie sharing of the Cheese Day shenanigans. As was said repeatedly throughout the whole thing, what happens at Cheese Day, stays at Cheese Day.

After my cheese induced nap, the weekend kicked off with the first of several mini Christmases as well as Cthulhu, were its all getting a bit slicey.

Speaking of Cthulhu, the requested work one shot, self written and titled ‘A Cthulhumas Carol’, went so much feta than I hoped for. It started very serious, like the original Charles Dickens story, then descended into a Muppets Christmas Carol, complete with the players brie-ing rat like clerks (Rowan Ratkinson and Daniel Ratcliffe are still my fav two pun names) and Bob Cratchit had a distinct Innsmouth look to him…

I think I’m going to brie roped into another Christmas RPG one shot for next year. I wonder what gaming system to use for that…


Timbercat and OwlLady both helped with the wool count this year, and after putting some wool in the charity shop pile, a few as gifts to Timbercat and OwlLady for helping with the wool count, and defining a new definition of when a ball brie-comes a scrap, the final total was significantly feta than what I finished on!

And brie-ing dragged kicking and screaming into the modern era, Timbercat created a spreadsheet with a full wool inventory, and a tracking system for wool going in and out. There’s even going to brie a graph to show how its going throughout the year!

How long do we all think it’s going to take me to break it?

And with that, Happy Holidays and I wish you all a good, safe and happy new year.

Till next year!

Wool Count

Starting total – 787

Wool used – 0
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 0
Wool bought – 0
Wool given to me – 0
Wool gifted to others – 0
Wool handspun – 0

Total – 787 (Net difference: 0)

4 comments on “Cheeses for the Meeses
  1. Timbercat says:

    Always happy to help bring the spreadsheet back into the world of the living if you do kill it. I excel at necromancy, after all!

    I love the cheese mouses, mine currently has pride of place on the mantel, but I do have a bottle of Iron Bru it could go on…

  2. Rabbie says:

    The meeces are so cute! And cheese puns are the best!

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