Big kitty beans!
Following in from the last post, kitty beans, Engel and the kids won the argument and now the table has knitted kitty paws.
But not any paws. A big table needs big kitty paws.
Big jaguar kitty paws!
This is combination of two free patterns, Chair Paws: Cat by Nicola Valiji and 0-401 Wrist warmer with jaguar pattern by DROPS design.
And of course, they needed beans!
Just a short post as I’ve been very poorly as of late (one of the reasons for the missed post last week) and I’ve pretty much not done anything but sleep. Like 12-16 hours of sleep a day type sleep.
I’m feeling better, not brilliant, but the doctors have told me it’ll be weeks, if not months before I’m back up and running at full speed.
Wool Count
Starting total – 576
Wool used – 95 (3 used)
Wool bought – 30 (Up by 11, I thought I bought two skeins of gradient wool, turns out, they were 5 balls of wool braided together to look like one skein. Hence my cheeky purchase of 3 suddenly became 11…)
Wool given – 162 (5 get better soon balls of wool appeared…)
Wool gifted – 31
Total – 644 (net gain of 2)