Baby blankets
I realised when looking through the archives that I never posted Felix’s baby blanket that I made whilst I was pregnant:
It’s knit using the pattern ‘Embroidered baby blanket’ from Kitty Knits: Projects for Cats and their People (a Christmas gift from Rabbie long, long ago that keeps getting loved and used) by Donna Druchunas.
Donna actually got in touch with me via Ravelry when I posted it! I was really happy she complimented it.
Anyhow, the purple blanket was made over three years ago, and now this one:
Was finished just last week. It’s a lot brighter in real life, more of a lime green. Felix chose the wool, so I shall blame her, though it was nice knitting something so bright with the days being so dark and grey!
So, what does this mean? It means Felix has a brother on the way, and in the spirit of fairness, I made them the same baby blanket. (I will not deny that I actually really like this pattern – simple enough for baby brain, complex enough you don’t have the urge to throw it out the window). It also means that there will be more baby knits no doubt in the near future.
That’s all for today’s post!
Wool count:
Starting total – 650
Wool used – 14 (3 since last post)
Wool bought – 0
Wool given – 46
Total – 682