Random post

A few moments ago I received a phone call from my eldest sister, to summarise:

“I just passed by a cattery and thought of you – ever thought of opening one as your own business?”

Now, I do foster kitties, have done for nearly two years, and I admire their independent natures, and there may be evidence of me stopping everything I was doing to go and coo over little kitty toes…

And I digress. I find it amusing that when people see anything cat like they think of me, as if I was some kind of crazy cat lady, who spends her evenings knitting on a rocking chair chatting to her swarm of cats…

OK, I may do that, talk to the cats, but its more a horde than a swarm, and I do knit whilst doing so…and I might own a rocking chair…

Hmm. At some point I turned into a crazy cat lady…I blame Engel. If in doubt, blame the other half.

Anyhow. I found the two minute phone call amusing, and thought I’d share it. Good enough reason for a quick update!

Engel and myself have been moving for about four months now, and still are whilst all the fine details get ironed out, hence there’s been a severe lack in online activity in regards to posting photos of my knitting and cats etc. (That includes here, ravelry and DA – I’m foxymitts for both of those if you’re looking for me on those sites) Just wanted to say that things are happening, in the background, and once I have somewhere to take photos and my camera is out of storage, there will be more posts.

Until then, just little bites of random like this one.

Oh, and for those curious, I have contemplated a cattery as a little job to keep me ticking over if I ever won the lottery. Won’t happen, but I can always dream.

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2 comments on “Random post
  1. Rachel says:

    I often think of you too when I pass a cattery or cat sanctuary…

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