
I don’t think anyone is too surprised that my next project after the foxymitts was going to be a foxyhat!

Apologies for the awful photo, the lighting has been awful as it’s been nothing but rain all week!

The hat itself is based on the free pattern The Hubby Hat by Anna Johanna and the ears are an experiment of mine. They’re very cute, so I may needs to knit another set to put onto a headband! And maybe a tail…

It’s amazing what loop stitch, scissors and a comb can achieve!

Other than that, it’s been a quiet week. Still recovering from Covid, my fun zombie apocalypse adventure last weekend, and work and life in general…

Until next week, take care!

Wool Count

Starting total – 843

Wool used – 17 (2 this week)
Wool bought – 1
Wool given to me – 6
Wool gifted to others –
Wool handspun – 0

Total – 845 (Net difference: -10)

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2 comments on “Foxyhat
  1. Rabbie says:

    I love a matching ensemble! I think a scarf is most definitely required next…

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