All tied up

Through shear force of will, I am avoiding the Viking puns today and opting for braid and wool ones instead.

So, wool you believe it, another Viking craft post!

Cutting a long story short, I was attending my first Viking event the other weekend at Ushaw and as I was demonstrating the drop spindle, I decided quite last minute that I could really do with a distaff so I could carry my fleece and not get it dirty.

I needed this for Sunday, and only thought about it the Friday before…

Much googling later, much batting of eyelashes and much foraging for the perfect stick…Engel relented and carved me one that was relatively close enough to one found in the Oseberg Ship Burial and voila!

(I know, I know, I’m not trying to fleece you, I will explain what a distaff is in a minute)

All that was needed was to wrap my fleece on the distaff and dress it. But ribbon isn’t exactly historically accurate so…6 stranded braid, as found in several burial sites, to the rescue.

For this, I used my own handspun fleece – white Shetland, beetroot dyed white Jacob fleece and beetroot dyed brown Jacob fleece.

Want to see the finished result?

As you can see, a distaff is a stick that’s carved with various dips and notches that allows combed fleece to be wrapped around it and then secured in place. This allows you to walk and spin with ease, and also to keep your clean combed fleece safe when not in use. At the event (after much fawning over my newly acquired distaff) I was told that depending on how it was tied, would dictate the marital status of the woman using the distaff. Its something to look into before my next event, and potentially have a good laugh over!

In less bright news, and to be open and honest and not pulling wool over anyone eyes, we got the results back from the vet about Poppy. Sadly its a very aggressive cancer, and with her age…we’ve opted for palliative care until the time comes that her quality of life deteriates and we’ll have her cross the rainbow bridge.

That’s all for this week, until next post, stay safe, and cuddle a beloved pet.

Starting total – 880

Wool used – 47 (+2)
Wool bought – 24
Wool given to me – 15
Wool gifted to others – 8 (I was demonstrating acid dying, and also helping fluff out a friends stash)
Wool handspun – 2

Total – 865 (Net difference: -15!!!!)

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2 comments on “All tied up
  1. Rabbie says:

    Give Poppy a kiss from us, and some chunky chicken soup. She’s had a wonderful retirement with you guys and that’s what you need to focus on.

    The distaff has turned out beautifully, and I hope to see it in action in person sometime soon!

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