Coming up roses

After the dust had petalled from seed knitting the cactus for Felixs teacher, I once more more put the petal to the metal with Inklings pick from Sarah Keens 100 Little Knitted Projects for his teacher.

His logic behind his choice? The teachers always wears dresses with flowers on them, and her favourite colour is pink. Plant argue with that…

So the ‘basket with flowers’ was chosen, Which gave me a good opportunity to play with all the pinks.

In other news, it has actually been a pretty quiet week. Getting some things sorted for chaos and mischief in the future, but that will be then and for the now, I’m embracing the quiet.

So with that, stay safe until next post!

Nah, I’m pollen your leg, that’s a bit too short a post! Although, other than the fact I have decided I want to learn the Dane axe at vikings, there isn’t much to say. The next dieing experiment with Felix has been selected, but I’m going to have to spin more wool for it at this rate.

This is going to mean that I need my drum carder put back together and get some serious carding done…

But that’s going to be a worry for future me. Present me is enjoying chilling with a scrap rug latch hook project!

Genuinely now, stay safe till the next post!

Wool Count

Starting total – 841

Wool used – 60 (Used 6 – productive week!)
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 22
Wool given to me – 28
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 11

Total – 855 (Net difference: +14 – making some headway…)

2 comments on “Coming up roses
  1. Rabbie says:

    A beautiful momento for Inklings teacher! I hope it sits on her desk for many years to come.

    Enjoy your quiet week, you definitely deserve it!

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