A knife day out

A few weeks ago Engel and myself took part in a blacksmithing taster session organised by my viking group for it’s members.

Vikings has certainly given me a new anvil in knife for all the possible hobbies I never thought I could try. It’s certainly quenching the never ending desire to learn!

But let’s forge on, back to blacksmithing and less hammering on about the vikings.

We all met at the Jarls house where a furnace was set up and the blacksmiths who were hired to run the event explained the different steps and safety precautions so no one would get injured. Once that was done, and some tea and biscuits consumed, we all stood riveted next to the forge as we each got to have a turn at the anvil. Choices were an S shaped hook or a knife – and judging by the bellows of excitement, I think it was knives all round.

Well. I say that. Me being me, I wanted to do something a little different with things I already have.

I turned two ‘viking eating spikes’ (not authentic at all) into little itty bitty knives to be cut and inserted into antler. I also brought my laser cut steel (as in flint and steel for making fires) to bash a bit so I can use it at shows. It now looks the part and I’ve checked, I can still light a fire with it! After all that I was definitely getting the tang of it!

Engel, unsurprisingly, went for a knife and has also picked out some antler from my stash to turn into a knife chopper. So that’s going to be a fun experiment! And yes, I also have a whole side of leather to make sheaves for all these weapons – good thing I’ve started to stab-le in leatherwork!

After all is blade and done, I did enjoy blacksmithing, but I prefer my hobbies softer. Engel on the other hand…

Rust not encourage that lest I end up with a forge in the garden!

In other news… Well… There isn’t much I want to chat about on here so… I guess we move on to the wool count?

Stay safe till the next post!

Wool Count

Starting total – 841

Wool used – 65 (Used 0 – it’s been too hot to craft this week)
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 22
Wool given to me – 30 (Gifted two from Ratmans mums stash)
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 11

Total – 852 (Net difference: +11 – and back again to double digits…)

4 comments on “A knife day out
  1. Timbercat says:

    I always wondered about the eating spikes… Always seems a bit weird.

    Considering I thought it was a hair spike until I discovered otherwise, it shouldn’t be a surprise.

    Glad you’re putting the one I gave you to good use!

    • Roxy says:

      It did indeed make a great hair spike. At some point I will get round to doing the handles and you’ll get to see the finished product in all its glory!

  2. Rabbie says:

    What a fun wee day out to try something new! You’ll be needing a new cap for all these feathers you’ve gained of late!

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