Lets cut a rug!

This particular project was a real floor-midable opponent, not gonna lie! But be-floor I get tangled up in all the excitement, lets start at the beginning.

Several months ago, Engel came back with an interesting charity shop find – a latch hook rug. I explained to him, then to Felix and Inkling, what it was, how it was used, and what kind of things could be made.

Felix took to it immediately and has made a few pieces herself. Inking likes to pick it up and put it down, but he can quite confidently just get on with it,

So what did I do? Well, as a lover of the crafty yet thrifty ways people of ye olde times used to get around anything and everything, I have a particular soft spot for rag rugs.

There’s something very pretty about people taking the scraps and odds and ends of one thing, to turn it into something useful and practical and generally of pretty designs and colour placement.

And so, latch hook in one hand, an anti slip mat which was no longer used in the other, I tackled my yarn scraps. And that of a few friends. And all those tiny odds and ends balls of wool I had in the stash (hence the high numbers of ‘wool used’ the past few months) and go to work.

Its mad. Its crazy. There is no order. No pattern. It just is. And I love it. Its scrap-tacular!

Its especially amazing on the somewhat cold laminate floor for my bare toes first thing in the morning!

At some point I will make another – a true scrap rug – which should probably take me a few years to makes if I resist the urge to stash bust again. And that one will go on the other side of the bed. Or where this one is as Felix and Inkling have been making attempts to steal it for their own rooms…

I’ve already lost two rugs to them! I wont lose a third!

(Can you tell I’m fraying at the edges about the thought of my toes being cold again?)

In other news, the car shenanigans are about done – just need to source a few parts to finish having her repaired as the insurance decided she wasn’t worth saving despite being structurally sound and without the crazy amounts of extras they had listed, came well below the percentage that would typically be classed as a write off.

And I know for a fact that they would have sold her for scrap, just to repair her and then sell on for a profit…grr…

Now this, this is making me unravel. But, its almost all done, just need to keep calm and rug on.

Until next time, stay as safe as a bug in a rug!

Wool Count

Starting total – 841

Wool used – 72 (1 used – black DK)
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 23 (+1 as i needed more black DK)
Wool given to me – 31
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 11

Total – 849 (Net difference: +8)

2 comments on “Lets cut a rug!
  1. Rabbie says:

    It looks super cosy and snug!

    Glad everything is starting to piece itself together again, and hopefully the car will be shiny and new again soon.

    • Roxy says:

      It is very cosy. And has of yet, remained unstolen.

      It is nice that things are finally falling into place again, but I’m not going to celebrate till its all done…

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